Fact-Checking the Biden vs. Trump Debates 2020 -2024

The 2024 presidential debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump have reignited the fervent political discourse in the United States. These debates offer a platform for both candidates to present their visions for the future and challenge each other’s records and proposals. As with any high-stakes political event, fact-checking is crucial to separate truth from exaggeration or misinformation. This article provides a fact-check of some of the key claims made by Biden and Trump during the latest debate.

COVID-19 and Public Health

Donald Trump: “We achieved the fastest vaccine rollout in history under my administration.”

Fact Check: Trump’s administration did oversee Operation Warp Speed, which facilitated the rapid development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. The rollout began in December 2020, shortly before Biden took office. While it was historically fast, the continuation and expansion of the vaccine distribution largely occurred under Biden’s administration.

Joe Biden: “We have successfully navigated the pandemic and are now stronger than before.”

Fact Check: Biden’s administration has seen significant progress in vaccine distribution and the reopening of the economy. However, the pandemic’s impacts are ongoing, with challenges such as vaccine hesitancy and emerging variants. The claim of being “stronger than before” is optimistic but should be tempered with recognition of the ongoing public health and economic challenges.

Economy and Jobs

Donald Trump: “We brought back manufacturing jobs and revitalized the economy.”

Fact Check: Trump’s policies, including tax cuts and deregulation, were credited with boosting economic growth and bringing some manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. However, the economic disruption caused by the pandemic led to significant job losses, with a complex recovery process that has continued under Biden’s administration.

Joe Biden: “We have created more jobs in my first term than any administration in history.”

Fact Check: The Biden administration has seen substantial job growth, partly due to the recovery from the pandemic-induced recession. While the number of jobs created is high, it is important to consider that a significant portion of this growth is a rebound from the steep job losses of 2020.


Donald Trump: “We improved healthcare by eliminating the individual mandate and offering better choices.”

Fact Check: The elimination of the individual mandate was part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, and it did change the structure of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). However, critics argue that this move led to increased premiums for some individuals. The promise of “better choices” remains debated, with varying opinions on the impact of Trump’s healthcare policies.

Joe Biden: “We expanded healthcare access and made it more affordable for millions of Americans.”

Fact Check: Biden’s administration has taken steps to expand access to healthcare, including increasing subsidies for ACA plans and efforts to lower prescription drug costs. These measures have improved affordability for many, though systemic issues in the U.S. healthcare system persist.

Climate Change and Environment

Donald Trump: “We achieved energy independence and led the world in reducing carbon emissions.”

Fact Check: The U.S. did achieve a degree of energy independence during Trump’s tenure, primarily due to increased domestic oil and gas production. However, Trump’s administration also rolled back numerous environmental regulations, which critics argue could undermine long-term efforts to reduce carbon emissions. The reduction in emissions during 2020 was largely due to the pandemic’s economic slowdown rather than policy measures.

Joe Biden: “We are leading the charge on climate action with ambitious goals for clean energy.”

Fact Check: Biden’s administration rejoined the Paris Agreement and set ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions, including a goal for net-zero emissions by 2050. Investments in renewable energy and infrastructure are part of this strategy. The success of these initiatives depends on continued legislative support and implementation.

Foreign Policy

Donald Trump: “We secured historic peace deals in the Middle East.”

Fact Check: The Trump administration brokered several normalization agreements between Israel and Arab nations, known as the Abraham Accords. These agreements were significant diplomatic achievements, though broader regional stability remains a complex issue.

Joe Biden: “We restored alliances and reasserted American leadership on the global stage.”

Fact Check: Biden has emphasized rebuilding alliances and re-engaging with international organizations, contrasting with Trump’s more isolationist approach. While there has been progress in mending some relationships, the global landscape remains challenging, and American leadership is continually tested by emerging geopolitical issues.

The 2024 Biden vs. Trump debates highlight the stark contrasts in their approaches to governance and policy. Fact-checking their statements reveals a mix of truths, exaggerations, and contentious claims. As voters, it is essential to critically evaluate these debates and consider the broader context and evidence behind each candidate’s assertions. Accurate information and accountability are vital for making informed decisions in a democratic society.

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The 2020 U.S. Presidential debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump were among the most watched and discussed political events of recent years. These debates provided voters with a direct comparison of the candidates’ policies, temperaments, and visions for the future. However, they also generated a significant amount of misinformation and contentious claims. This article aims to fact-check some of the key statements made by both candidates during these debates.

COVID-19 Response

Donald Trump: “We’re rounding the corner. It’s going away.”

Fact Check: At the time of this statement, the United States was experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicated that cases were on the rise, contradicting Trump’s assertion that the pandemic was diminishing.

Joe Biden: “He has no plan for the virus.”

Fact Check: While Trump did have a plan, including Operation Warp Speed to accelerate vaccine development, Biden’s criticism centered on the lack of a comprehensive national strategy to contain the virus’s spread. The Trump administration’s response was often criticized for being fragmented and inconsistent.


Donald Trump: “We built the greatest economy in history.”

Fact Check: The U.S. economy experienced significant growth under Trump, with record-low unemployment rates before the pandemic. However, the claim of the “greatest economy in history” is subjective and difficult to measure. Economic growth rates, stock market performance, and other indicators were strong, but comparable to other periods of prosperity in U.S. history.

Joe Biden: “We left him a booming economy. He caused the recession.”

Fact Check: Biden referred to the economy Trump inherited from the Obama administration. While it is true that Trump inherited a growing economy, the recession in 2020 was primarily caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic downturn was a global phenomenon, not solely the result of Trump’s policies.


Donald Trump: “I got rid of the individual mandate, which was the worst part of Obamacare.”

Fact Check: Trump did successfully eliminate the individual mandate penalty through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. This mandate required individuals to have health insurance or pay a penalty, a cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Joe Biden: “We’re going to make sure everyone has access to affordable healthcare.”

Fact Check: Biden’s plan aimed to build on the ACA, including a public option for health insurance. While this would expand access, the feasibility and cost of implementation were points of debate. Critics argued about the potential impact on taxes and the private insurance market.

Law and Order

Donald Trump: “I am the law and order president.”

Fact Check: Trump positioned himself as a strong proponent of law enforcement amidst the protests against police brutality. His administration’s response to civil unrest included deploying federal agents to cities experiencing significant protests. However, his critics argued that this approach exacerbated tensions rather than addressing underlying issues.

Joe Biden: “Violence in response is never appropriate.”

Fact Check: Biden consistently condemned violence during protests, advocating for peaceful demonstrations and police reform. His stance aimed to balance support for law enforcement with the need for accountability and systemic change.

Climate Change

Donald Trump: “I don’t think the science knows.”

Fact Check: Trump often expressed skepticism about climate change and its causes. The overwhelming consensus among scientists, however, is that climate change is real and significantly driven by human activities. Trump’s administration rolled back several environmental regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions.

Joe Biden: “We have a moral obligation to deal with climate change.”

Fact Check: Biden’s climate plan included rejoining the Paris Agreement, investing in renewable energy, and aiming for net-zero emissions by 2050. His proposals were ambitious and aligned with scientific recommendations, but their implementation would require substantial legislative and societal changes.

The debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump highlighted stark differences in their approaches to key issues. Fact-checking their statements reveals a mix of accurate points, exaggerations, and misinformation. As voters, it is crucial to critically evaluate these claims and consider the broader context and evidence behind them. The responsibility of fact-checking and holding leaders accountable is a shared one, essential for a functioning democracy.

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